About Me

Frank has a background in the cultural and environment sectors, and prior to that, in industry, technology and transport policy.

Most recently, Frank was Director of the Australia Museum, and before that, Director of the Sydney Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust.  Between these roles he helped establish the NSW Department of Environment and Conservation. Prior to moving to the environment and cultural sectors Frank worked in transport, industry and technology policy roles in government.

He has particular strengths in building audiences and participants for culture, science, recreation and leisure focussed organisations, and in the strategy of cultural place and precinct making in towns and cities.  He also works in delivering better cultural outcomes for indigenous peoples.

He has worked to achieve organisational change to be more relevant, productive and sustainable. A particular recent focus has been on issues that will significantly change culture and leisure focused organisations, including harnessing the digital revolution to build new audiences and wider community engagement, and changing audience demographics with declining baby boomer audiences and the need to engage millennials.

Frank has worked to guide organisations through changing funding sources, including reduced government funding and the need to build commercial, sponsorship and philanthropic revenue.  Strategies and programs to build philanthropic support has been a particular focus.

He has also led organisations through master planning and managing major redevelopment programs and is on several cultural sector boards and foundations.